Yupwego - Landing page travel insurance
Hello everyone ! For a school project, I designed a landing page for Yupwego, a french travel insurance.
About Yupwego
Yupwego offers insurance for all travelers, they provide a service tailored on the needs of the customer, with the best price possible.
Their goal is to use the digital canal to make the insurance experience is quick, simple and honest.
The objectives
My role for this project was to design a page that can collect the name, e-mail and destination of the visitor.
It had to be mobile and desktop, and 2 version of a the hero section.
The two hero sections :
Full page :
I really enjoyed working on this project ! π€©
I tried to design an health insurance that looks friendly and close to the customer with the illustrations all from storyset.com, a really good illustration resource.
What are your thought on the project ? π€
Leave a comment and let me know, I'm hungry of feedbacks ! ππ
Have a good one !