Coca-Cola Delivery App Design | Onething

The Coca-Cola Company is a multinational beverage corporation, best known for its iconic, eponymous drink; Coca-Cola! Coke aimed to leverage the worlds of digital commerce, and the D2C model, to bring individuals in the Maldives region closer than ever to their favorite sodas, through a unique app! 


• Products had to feel unique, yet united.

• Gamification was needed to boost customer engagement.

• The buying journey had to be streamlined and simplified.

• Visual interface had to embody Coke through and through.

Bringing Coke & its products, directly to consumer’s hands

Many of those in the Maldives region rely on bottled water for sustenance, Coke saw the opportunity to insert its vast product line into the fray!

How can we craft a seamless e-commerce platform, while operating within Coke’s brand style and image?

E-commerce at the core

Discoverability was never going to be an issue with Coke’s lineup of products. They range from the iconic, to legendary. Furthermore, the number of products on offer were tight and concise, allowing us to focus on making the end-to-end purchase journey as slick and smooth as possible.

Visual overhaul

We took elements and inspiration from Coke’s legendary brand guideline, and adapted them to a digital context. Elements such as the iconic wave from Coke, or Sprite lime were incorporated to distinguish the drinks from one another, while being contained within the overall design.

Coke crowns

The aspect of gamification which we ended up implementing was a fresh take on the conventional reward points formula! In essence, every purchase rewarded users with ‘Crowns’ (further solidifying brand elements), which functioned as reward points.

We designed a highly interactive experience that engaged the users with visual cues and gamified loyalty while existing within the brand elements of Coke. That’s how we delighted the users despite the platform having limited SKUs.

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