Blockchain project for government wage bill
This was a pioneer project for public finances in fragile states which led to the development of a blockchain solution designed to overcome data silos and a range of inefficiencies. The client provides institutional capacity building and technical assistance to fragile countries and wanted to improve transparency and fiscal governance for the Government of Guinea-Bissau by streamlining its wage bill.
The objective was to have a perfect match between data on employment and data on salaries and other compensation tools such as incentives. The solution integrates information on wage expenditure and on public employment. This way, unauthorized and unbudgeted payments could not be made to non-public servants who are not eligible. This would limit mismanagement of the public funds and protect those who are regularly employed and eligible to normal pay and incentives. The solution would be for the ministries to have the ability to verify that Wage Bill data complies with payment authorizations through audit logs, analytics dashboards, and compliance reports. The solution is to provide visibility into various indicators such as:
1. budget allocated vs executed,
2. number of people hired,
3. number of people receiving incentives by group,
4. attempts to hire outside the budget etc. on a same time basis.