Logo "Калининград"
The color logos is made in the form of heraldry. The work was created for a logo contest for Russian cities.
Created 2 options.
The main idea of the first logo is a combination of all the main sights and elements of Kaliningrad.
There are 6 main points:
1) Amber. The only amber museum in the country is located in Kaliningrad. The reason for the creation of the museum was the proximity of the location of the largest of the explored deposits of the Baltic mineraloid - more than 90% of the world's reserves.
2) Fishing village. This village has half-timbered houses that look laconic, give the city atmosphere and brightness.
3) Image of a sailor with a pipe. This image is associated with the sea, and also refers to the Baltic Naval Institute, which trains qualified specialists who are part of the Russian military army.
4) Sun. I wanted to highlight this element as it perfectly complements the landscapes and places of the city.
5) Friedrichsburg Gate. This gate is the only element of the fortress that has survived to this day, which is now one of the city's attractions.
6) Ships. Associations with the sea, fleet, fish and travel.
The second logo combines images of the sea, fish, fortress, amber, ship, anchor, sky. All elements are combined in the form of a shield.
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