Automate the employee onboarding and off-boarding process

The objective of this assignment is “Design a “Workflow builder” web app that can automate the employee onboarding and off-boarding process.”

First, understand the user journey in the employee onboarding, then collect maximum info from the field.

I compared a couple of workflow platforms and studied their workflow. After narrowing down the info, I have created an employee onboarding platform.

Designing Workflows - Onboarding new employees into the organization follows the same sequence step every time. There are repeatable patterns in how we work to move forward. Once we have the beginning and end point of each workflow then we can fill up the steps coming in between. These repeatable steps can be converted to define conditions required in each section and it will be automatically added into each task. 

Project Employee Onboarding has two parts; one is Board where we add tasks into different sections, and the other one is workflow where we create a defined condition for each repeatable pattern.

There are two ways that work moves through a workflow - in sequence and in stages. Sequence are checklists, work gets completed in specific order, building up to a final deliverable output. Stages are like pipelines. A single piece of work moves through a series of stages before completion. Here we use sections to represent stages.  

Board is a collection of sections and subtasks. It defines what kind of work is going to be done. Here “New Recruit” is a section. It shows all the new recruits joining in the organizations.  

After going through the user journey I collected the info to design the "Create a Task Page". It helps us to understand how we can create automated sections.

Create a workflow 

When a new task is added to the New Recruit section, we define what should happen on that task. Here Kevin will get a mail notification that says that a new joining is on 02/11/2022. And once Kevin moves tasks to the ‘Account Create’ section the same task will be reassigned to the Laya and it is going to add 3 sub tasks to the ‘Account Create’ and also create a jira ticket to the task to monitor the ticket. 

More by Jose Paul

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