Headphone store

Prototype : https://www.figma.com/proto/40EgxFXVwepIg69BHoUSJR/Headphone-Project?page-id=98%3A267&node-id=791%3A1131&viewport=-1716%2C1091%2C2.35&scaling=scale-down&starting-point-node-id=181%3A3697

This headphone store mobile app is a ui/ux design product that can be classified as an android online shop app. The product is types of headphone such as "open back" headphone, "over ear" headphone, and "on ear" headphone. The user target of this app is people who love mobilized tool to listen to anywhere namely headphone. The design contains an art that is applied into a user interface and the user experience considers the the simple flow. The typography is Open Sans and Crimson Pro which represent simple, modern and clean. i recommend you to see the prototype.

More by Nurendra Riastyanto

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