Pricing Page Customization

Designing a Successful Customizable Pricing Page

Designing the pricing page is one of the most important pages in the sales funnel. This is where the customer sees all the details about what they get and what they have to pay. Overall, it’s one of the most critical elements to drive sales.

So designing at Publer we had a difficult challenge that we faced. It was the customization of the plans, where users can change the number of their social accounts and members so the price will change at the same time.

So designing at Publer we had a difficult challenge that we faced. It was the customization of the plans, where users can change the number of their social accounts and members so the price will change at the same time.

Web design

To find a solution we answered two questions:

1. What does institutional knowledge say?

2. What are people familiar with?


1. People scan and read the website from left to right, this was our first step to put the customization card on the left side, with this we give the information to the people that the plans are customizable and they can choose the best fit for them.

2. Few people have seen customization on the plans and pricing page but are familiar with it on e-commerce websites while searching and flirting categories. In e-commerce, this practice increased the discoverability of the subcategories and encouraged users to navigate better.

So after we decided where to put the customization card we continued designing other parts. The graphic design team gave us simple but effective illustrations of the superhero to show you their different pricing plans in line with their brand.

In the rest of the page, we put more information about comparing the plans with each other and a section with the most frequently asked questions.

In conclusion, if you can't show exact prices or your price list is highly complicated, offer users some representative cases and their prices.

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Publer is a virtual social media superhero that lets you collaborate, schedule & analyze your posts for Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Google Business, YouTube, WordPress, and Telegram from the same spot.

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