Spirit Animal / Chocolate Package Design
When Spirit Animal approached us about making chocolate packaging we were more than delighted to take on the project. They would produce different types of chocolates containing coffee. Our design brief again would be to show the different types of chocolate and coffee on the packaging in a cost effective way.
We started out by first researching the market, from boutique chocolates to well known global brands. How their designs were executed - the similarities and differences between them - who their target audience is. Next we prepared a presentation with multiple designs, all that were different from each other but still inline with the Spirit Animal branding.
To be cost-effective we proposed to use sticker labels on the chocolates. For the background of the package we used Spirit Animals whale blue with a darker blue illustration of cocoa beans. The engraving look of the illustration combined with the dark background gives a sophisticated look. To enable the consumer to quickly identify the type of chocolate we used bold colors that would pop on top of the whale blue, these colors were also picked according to the flavor of the chocolate, so green would be used for mint, red would be used for pepper etc. For this package again we proposed using the circle stickers for the identification of the coffee inside the chocolate.