holidaysOS — Christmas celebration

holidayOS is our 2022 Christmas celebration project. Instead of sending 🍾 champagne bottles, 🍫 chocolate boxes and 🌴 expensive vacation vouchers (maybe next year) to our clients, we decided to celebrate in another way. And with style. 90s style. Not only that but also do some good for mother Earth 🌍 Here’s how.

Prerequisites & style

Life runs so fast these days and so are holidays – we send “happy holidays!” or “and to you too!” texts, buy gifts on Amazon with direct delivery, exchange a few words with some friends and family aaaand Christmas is gone. We’re not some “everything was better back in the old days” guys, but it’s hard to disagree that the Christmas vibe was something different than it is today. Well, we can’t get those days back but we can try to imitate them in our special way – by creating a 90s-like digital interface with 🎥 poor-quality video wishes (but with very professional actors) and a bunch of old Christmas movies’ references as GIFs.


The celebration doesn’t make much sense when done alone so we wanted to engage users and do some good. We hid 10 🎄 Christmas trees within the interface and challenged users to find them all. Why? What’s the motivation? Well, the more trees you find the more we’re gonna plant IRL 😎 Pretty cool, huh?


This part was pretty simple. At least for us, designers – we’ve reached out to our internal team of webflow elves, bribed them with some candy and redbull (don’t worry, they get paid) and guess what – they got all excited about it, started cheering, singing Christmas songs and high-fiving 🙏 They were up for the challenge! So we upgraded the scope – added the guestbook (where you can write and read the wishes sent to us), a custom trees-planter certificate and a slack integration for us to see all new wishes coming from guests. Elves were more than happy to implement all these things! 🧝‍♂️

Results so far

We (or should I say you) have planted nearly 7️⃣0️⃣0️⃣ trees so far, we got tons of Christmas wishes in the guestbook and lots of kind words about the idea itself. Some folks even twitted about this which makes us more than happy! 😊

One more thing

The website is now open to everyone so you can test it out, 🌲 plant some trees, 🎧 listen to the curated playlist we’ve prepared and feel this 90s vibe all over again under this link. Hurry! The action ends on Jan 9th and the number of trees to plant is limited!

Special thanks to my bro Szymon Michalczyk for collaborating on this project 💪


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