Dog walker app

Project overview

Project brief

This project was completed as part of the Dribbble Product Design course. Its goal was to go through all 7 phases of the Product Design cycle: research/empathize, define/plan, idea/trim, prototype/validate, test/improve, polish/deliver, and measure/analyze.

The problem this fictitious project aims to solve is bringing dog owners and dog walkers together in a frictionless and trustworthy manner.

Below is a screenshot of the initial brainstorming session in FigJam:

My role in this project

As a product designer, I was involved with every single stage of this project, from doing research and design to prototyping and testing.

Understanding the user

Initial user research

Initial user research was done by interviewing several dog owners and getting a general feel for issues they would face around walking their dogs and finding others to walk their dogs.

User personas

The initial user research led to the creation of the following personas:

User flows

Below is a sample of one of the developed user flows:

Ideation and wireframing

After the first round of user flows, I started putting together basic low-fidelity wireframes to get a feel for how the individual screens would look and how the app would function as a whole. Below are some of those wireframes:

Visual design

Design mockups

Once I had the initial wireframes tied up in a simple prototype followed up by some basic user testing, I started working on some initial visual designs for the main screens within this app.

Functional prototype

Once the initial screen designs were created, it was time to tie these up into a working prototype to present to potential users of the app. The prototype can be found here.

Prototype flow 1: user onboarding

Prototype flow 2: user dashboard

Component library

While working on the above app screens, the following component library was established with multi-variant components, interactive components and instance-swap components:

Takeaways and next steps

This entire project has been a wonderful experience as it introduced me to every single phase of the product design process. One of the main takeaways for me personally is the importance of keeping the user front and center throughout the entire process.

Matt Naus
Coder, UI/UX designer, builder of shiny interweb things
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