Medical Mobile IOS App
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Hi! Meet our fresh Medical App Design ⚕️
This app enables hospitals 🏥 to keep medical records and monitor medication 💊 test results.
A user views 👀 the records 📄 and checkmarks ✔️ the patient who has come for an appointment with a doctor 👨⚕️ Then the user switches to the other records made by the same doctor. After that, they tap the Calendar 📅 to see all the medical records of the hospital.
The white 🤍 background looks pure, and the blue 💙 accents symbolize intelligence and clarity.
Users can track the medical records and reactions to vaccines 🔥🔥🔥
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Check out our article if you are interested in Healthcare App development.
Interface by Natasha Chirkova
Motion by Roman Logunov