Fuel Units

Fuel Units

A couple years ago a coworker of mine mentioned "fuel units" over lunch on day and that inspired the concept of creating a currency based on the caffeine content of different coffee drinks. I was only able to create 2 currencies at the time, then the world took a dump. I finally returned to this concept just recently. I hope to add more from time to time as the inspiration hits.


visit cogwurx elsewhere: https://www.cogwurx.com/social


Fuel Units 95MG - https://society6.com/art/fuel-units-95mg

Fuel Units 136MG - https://society6.com/art/fuel-unites-136mg

Fuel Units - Decaf - 2mg - https://society6.com/art/fuel-units-decaf-2mg

Fuel Units - Espresso - 70mg - https://society6.com/art/fuel-units-espresso-70mg

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