Draft 4: The Watercolor Gallery logo mark

See Drafts 1, 2, and 3 for the background story.

Draft 4:

So this is where I am now. I decided to bump up the thickness of the lines and -- in-between Drafts 3 and 4 -- even had a much more square mark. I'm not settled yet. Here is what I'm still struggling with;

- The middle of the W
- The size of the horizontal bar for the G and its spacing between the middle horizontal bar and the lower horizontal bar. Ideal I think this entire area should be uniform but for the life of me I can't work it out. But I'll get it.
- The width of the entire mark. I don't think I want square, wider seems to be better, but I can't yet decide.

Why this color, you ask? It is taken from the actual watercolor "swatch" that I created for the gallery. You can see it on the site: http://h2ocolor.com/

I'm just starting to learn Sketch so I've had a lot of issues getting the rectangles to be aligned to the pixel grid, with resizing rotated recs, etc. etc. But slowly but surely I'm learning to tame the beast.

I'm going to let this project sit for a day or two and return to it with fresh eyes. But I'd love any and all feedback.

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