Splurge | User Profile | Social Media NFT Marketplace
Splurge is a social media platform with trading features. You can post all your usual stuff like pictures and videos, but what makes Splurge super cool is that you can trade posts and users using a virtual currency called Splurge Coins (SPC).
I joined the team for the very first version of the app, and together with Harold Gadian, another awesome designer I know, we designed the MVP of the app. And the User profile is one of the features I worked on.
User Profile
On Splurge, users are referred to as 'swans' and they create 'swanlings' - kind of like posting images or videos on other social media platforms, such as Instagram.
Since Splurge is also a marketplace, you can view who owns them and their swanlings, as well as the swanlings and swans they own. The more trading that occurs, the higher the value of both swanlings and swans will become.
This is what the mobile view will look like π
On their own profile, users will see the same layout, but instead of a "follow" button, there is an "edit" button, as well as a button for creating swanlings.