Eina from the third zone #2 (book cover)
Test illustration for the cover of the book "Eina from the third zone".
Genre of the book: dystopia
Illustration style: flat illustration.
Description of the illustration:
The main character looks at the silhouette of the city of her zone, dreaming of getting out of it and developing further.
There are black frames on the sides, in which it is located at the beginning of the book. Clouds, birds, a white ray of light (the frame in the center) refers to freedom, aspiration and achievement of goals.
At the bottom, from the silhouette of the black frames, people are placed, friends of the heroine, who do not seek to develop. They are satisfied with everything, so they stay behind the "wall".
Next to the girl is a book - a reference to the desire to gain knowledge.
Illustration style:
All objects, except the central one, are made in silhouettes.
The heroine is made in the style of a sketch, with strokes.
I decided to leave it white, as I looked at other books for the target audience (13-17 years old).
I concluded that they are attracted to this style.
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