Eina from the third zone #1 (book cover)
Test illustration for the cover of the book "Eina from the third zone".
Genre of the book: dystopia
Illustration style: flat illustration.
Description of the illustration:
The girl is located in the center. In bright blue colors - a reference to the color of the "pure" soul.
Her pose is open. It shows the desire for growth and development. The expression on her face is sad, because, at the beginning of the book, she is not understood, she is not given the opportunity to go to the dream.
In the background is her city, factories where friends work.
Behind the back on the curly lines, in the form of primary colors, there are plot elements. On the bottom - the faces of acquaintances, friends, society.
On the top - eyes, surveillance, control.
Thanks to the contrasting, bright colors and large font, the books will stand out on the shelves and attract attention. Combined styles of illustrations will give an occasion to get acquainted with the works and look at the illustrations in search of interesting details.
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