Social Share Button | Daily UI 010

Daily UI Challenge | Day 010

For day 10 I was tasked to create a social share button/icon.

Today I defined my scope for this challenge as designing a social sharing button to allow users to share their portfolio assets for a crypto staking company.

I drew inspiration from the crypto APY calculator I designed for day 004 and wanted to design a page to view their portfolio balance and share it. I thought this would be a great addition to day 004's design.

I was excited about this concept because word-of-mouth is a powerful marketing tool. This feature allows users to share knowledge and information about their portfolio with their peers to start conversations around investing in crypto.

I approached this challenge by researching what other companies use as their share buttons. I did this because I want my social share button to be intuitive for the user. My users will be using other apps more than mine, so I want to reduce their cognitive load and use something consistent with industry standards aligning with the theory of Usability heuristic #4 - consistency and standards.

The goal is that as soon as the user notices the button, they know what it means.

That's how I landed on using the upward arrow share icon. The icon was first introduced by Apple and utilised by other big apps such as Twitter and Spotify. A variation that I noticed that Facebook use is a right-arrow share icon.

Another option was to use the original share icon consisting of 3 circles connected by 2 lines made popular by WordPress. I decided against the original share icon as my research suggested that an icon design with an arrow would convey a share action more effectively.

I placed it along the top right as it is a secondary feature to the portfolio page. I did not want to take the focus away from the goal of the page of viewing your portfolio balance and performance.

Another element I was proud of including in this design was the 'Refer and Earn' feature. Referral marketing is a word-of-mouth initiative that incentivises users to introduce their friends, family and community to the product/service. It can be a great strategy to help build brand/product awareness and boost the number of sign-ups.

Let me know what you think of this design.

More by Jun Combridge

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