Ajna DeFi Project

Desktop and mobile versions of marketing and Dapp for DeFi lending protocol. From the several different design options given the team agreed on this design for the startup. Here I am using a space feel and modern colors, complimenting the "Ajna" chakra from Indian culture which is associated with wisdom and instinct. Users are not prompted to connect a wallet and stumble on web3, but to check out the market pools, options and benefits, then to connect to the app.

Hi Fidelity prototype in Figma (Desktop) https://www.figma.com/proto/NUOi6Asle2aBkpPg7NxJEh/Ajna-UX?page-id=215%3A3283&node-id=3729%3A12559&starting-point-node-id=3729%3A12559&hotspot-hints=0&hide-ui=1

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