Beverage Company Conversation User Interface (CUI)

This CUI was designed as part of the 14 days daily conversation design challenge organized by Ryan, Hillary, & the UXWC team.

Day 12: Subscribe

The goal of this challenge is to write a message asking the user to subscribe to the beverage company's newsletters.

Thought process:

After terminating the prior topic (main business), the bot uses the opportunity to introduce the company's newsletter subscription to the user. The clause "Before we sign off" indicates that the bot knows the conversation is approaching its end. The bot then encourages (rather than imposes) the user to check out the company's newsletter by highlighting the incentives and including an external link for easy access. The actual prompt comes after the general introduction, which solicits a "yes," "no," or "maybe" response as presented in the buttons.

Without the general introduction of the newsletter, the bot would sound like it's imposing the newsletter subscription upon the user. It would also sound like a very abrupt topic shift that's too company-/bot-centric. The general introduction serves as a nice segue into this "additional" business that the user might be interested in.

Posted on Dec 12, 2022

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