NFT🐵 Case Study Landing Page📄 & Mobile App📱 UI

Hey Dribbblers🖐🏼,

We were working🚧 on a creative and challenging project💻, so we thought🤔 to keep you guys🧑‍🤝‍🧑 posted.

Here’s a sneak peek of our latest exploration🕵🏼—the NFT🐵 Landing Page📄 & Mobile App📱 UI. The simple🙂 yet sleek interface lets one collect rare NFTs with a swipe➡.

So, how’s the design? It’s good👌, or just meh? If you like👍 our work, press “L”❤️ and we’ll be notified. Wanna add➕ a thing or two? The comment box📬 is all yours.

Wanna collab🤝? We’re down for it!

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