T-WeaveFlow (study 2015-0405)

Began working on this letter T design yesterday and spent part of today making the materials and rendering. Be sure to view the attachments.

Once the modeling is finished, I’ll export as an .obj file that I can then import into Blender for rendering with Cycles. If you take a look at the detailed view attached, you’ll notice the faceting that occurs at rounded corners. I wish more modeling software, but primarily standalone rendering engines, would support the importing of NURBS geometry (i.e. a native Rhino .3dm file) without having to convert to mesh geometry. KeyShot is the only standalone rendering application I’m aware of that has this feature (NURBS Ray-tracing), but with a $2000 pricetag, may be too expensive for some to take that initial leap. An example of KeyShot's NURBS Ray-tracing feature is towards the bottom of the page, accessed via the link above.

A big thanks goes out to Robert McNeel & Associates and Blender Foundation for making such wonderful software for creatives.

Modeling: Rhino for Mac
Rendering: Blender Cycles (colored versions); Rhino (monochrome)

Rendering time w/ GPU compute (NVIDIA GeForce GTX 680MX 2048 MB):
– 3200 x 2400, 72 dpi, 600 samples: 10 minutes (orthographic view); 36 minutes (detail view)


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