Edges of MAEDA@MEDIA (2001)

This is an old screen capture from a program I wrote to stretch type to go over the edges of pages of a book I wrote/designed in 2001 entitled "MAEDA@MEDIA." It was an unusually thick book (480 pages), so I took the opportunity to write along the edges across 60 or so of its pages. You couldn't really tell what was printed in plain black ink on the pages (brown craft paper was the stock I used) unless you read it with the book closed, and around the book's edges. Back in the day, I tended to experiment with the geometry of books in this way as *heavily* inspired by Moholy-Nagy's thinking. Getting this book done took a toll on myself -- as I never had a staff working with me in any of my projects throughout my design career -- and I swore I'd never do anything like it again. In 2015, this book is fairly cheap to get on Amazon.com or eBay or the likes in used form now ...

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