Plastic is truly a miracle material

It is estimated that there are 15 million tonnes of plastic trash that already exists in our oceans today and to further add salt to the injury, we keep adding to it at an alarming rate of 8 million tonnes. This should alarm you! It is your waters that are getting polluted and dirtied and that water will come back to your house, it will come through the taps of your water, it will fill the bottle you drink out of and finally, it will entire your bloodstream and that pollution will be a part of you. So, let's help each other help our oceans.

- Stop single-use plastics: Plastics like bottles, covers, wrappers, and take away packaging - things that aren't and can't be reused are the worst and most harmful to the oceans and the general environment. Try to carry a cloth bag for grocery shopping, avoid buying water bottles, try to carry your own bottle of water from home. And avoid straws - why do you need a straw? Is your jaw locked? You can always invest in metal straws that you can buy online. It's safe for the environment and a better hygiene option.


- Travel smarter: We collect most trash when traveling because we generally tend to buy things that we can quickly dispose of i.e. plastic. It can be avoided. Try to avoid littering and throwing waste into the water because it may be just out of your sight but that plastic waste is still out there, in the ocean, suffocating and killing marine life.


- SAVE WATER. Conserve it, protect it, love it. Try to take bucket baths as opposed to going for showers, switch from plastic toothbrushes and hairbrushes to more organic and natural ones like bamboo brushes and combs - they're better and stronger than plastic too.

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