Styra Website Update

This project was the collaborative outcome between the design and marketing teams at Styra and myself and the creative team at Flickerbox. The old site was dated and in need of a refreshed look and feel so we created modern elements and layouts, along with the existing brand guidelines and assets to create a whole new website that everyone could be excited about. Bold and colorful, the new approach to Styra shows off a friendly and approachable security product. Check out the new site here:

Initial Page Layouts

proposed Homepage design and layout

Proposed options for the homepage hero graphic

Proposed Product Overview page layout

Final Page Layouts

Old and new site comparison
Final approved homepage design
Meet Styra page layout
New pricing page

Assorted Modules and Graphics

Homepage key stats module
Proposed Product tiles graphic
App integrations graphic
Coding with Styra module
Jeffrey Boese
Illustrative digital design and brand identities

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