Konstantin - Landing page for a Developer based in Germany! ‍💻

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Showcasing my most recent project, a personal website for a developer situated in Hamburg, Germany, makes me incredibly happy. The result of the Landing Page is this. Write your comments in the comment section and describe how you as a UI UX Designer would tackle a similar project.

Let's quickly review the past. Describe Konstantin.

Constantine (/ˈkɒnstəntaɪn/ or /ˈkɒnstəntiːn/; Latin: Cōnstantīnus, Greek: Κωνσταντῖνος, Kōnstantînos) is a masculine and feminine (in French for example) given name and surname which is derived from the Latin name Constantinus, a hypocoristic of the first names Constans and Constantius, both meaning "constant”.


All of the name's characters are included in the logo, and as the person is a developer, I also tried to integrate the code brackets. Additionally, if you pay close attention, you will see a man standing on a hand, which stands for Consistent Posture, as this is what his name is, Konstantin.


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