#10 Timeline Jump [10 Interface Ideas for Chat Applications]

Hey everyone!

Here is the final shot from the project. This one was the most complicated for me to create out of the whole lot.

This is a solution I imagined for a nagging situation that pops up in chat applications often where I find myself trying to retrieve a particular message and searching turns out to be futile because recalling the exact words I sent turns out to be really difficult. Oftentimes you will have a faint memory of when this particular conversation happened, so we decided to create a timeline view that could help the user to follow this hunch and explore the chat history.

In the timeline view a bird's eye view of the whole week is presented where you can scroll horizontally to go through previous days. Images you sent and recieved are used as anchors to help you find the right spot in time to jump to.

And yes, I finally wrapped this project after almost 7 years! 😅 I hope my next project won’t delay as much as this one did. 😄

You can now read the whole thing here!

More by Pranav Pramod

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