Shevcenko’s Play Your Part for Ukraine campaign

Artist: Hamish Brown

Client: Ukraine campaign

Support the millions of innocent people caught up in the unfolding crisis in Ukraine. Join the movement started by Andriy Shevcenko and help end the humanitarian crisis unfolding across Europe.

Photographer Hamish Brown shot Ukrainian football coach Andriy Shevcenko as part of his fundraising initiative – “Play Your Part” –  looking to raise £2 million for a number of charities.

The just giving page says:

“As the world watches in horror as events unfold in Ukraine, it’s hard to comprehend the devastating impact this conflict is having on the civilian population. Women, men and children caught in heavy fighting and continuous airstrikes have been forced to flee their homes with only the possessions they can carry. Countless families have been torn apart and lives destroyed.

Now refugees are facing an uncertain future, surviving in sub-zero temperatures without basic amenities. There is an urgent need for food, water, shelter and medical assistance. By working together we can provide this desperately needed help. By uniting and each lending our support we can help ease the suffering of these innocent people. Please #PlayYourPart and give what you can.”

You can donate here

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