
Weeat is a mobile app platform with a mission to revolutionize the way people eat by removing the stress and unorganization around it.

My Role

I was the Lead Designer and as lead I was the representative for the users. I really emphasized becoming the voice for the user and understanding what they face each day.

Project Process


Since my individual contribution was focused on the meal planning feature to help me focus my design I started with the problem.

Framing The problem

In our initial user research for Weeat we discovered that there was a lacked of easy accessibility and simple organization when it came to recipe storage. Wanting to understand more on how I could dive deeper into these concepts,  I decided explore the area of cooking and conducted some more qualitative reachers in the form of user interviews to see if I could make a discovery.

It brought me to this question: How might we help our community overcome their struggles with organization and accessibility with cooking?


I started with a few interviews focusing on 4 different levels of cooking experience. 

  • Doesn’t cook and doesn’t want to learn.

  • Doesn’t really cook but wants to learn.

  • Knows how to cook but isn’t passionate about it.

  • Loves to cook.

I focused on this wide range of a group because I wanted to see if there was a trend of pain points that would stick out among all 4 levels. This way I could pinpoint the pain points and get to the root of the struggle.


My interviewees were 3x more likely to skip meals if they didn’t plan what they were going to eat during a busy day.

Affinity mapping

I got some great insight from the affinity mapping and was able to uncover 80 data points, 5 insights, and 2 main themes. The themes that I kept seeing were busy schedules and poor planning.

Journey Map

With the insight form the affinity mapping, I created a journey map illustrating to the team where our members are encountering these pain points in their day.


I created some personas to help the team and I focus on who we are designing for. 

Like Lisa for example she is a busy copywriter in a large firm and always gets swamped in different work sprints. Being that she is so busy from work she doesn’t always have time to figure out what to cook on the spot.


With this new found insight I was able to refine my question to “How can we help our community plan their diets?”


Create a feature where members of the community can plan their meal for the week.This will help reduce decision fatigue as well as save time for the members who have busy schedule.


 I did a competitive analysis to see what was already working and to gain design inspiration. After I gathered enough research I created a flow chart to help translate the step the user will be taking so the team was on the same page. With the chart and the design inspiration I mocked up some wireframes which we then used for some testing and then after few iteration sent it over to development. 

Usability Test

2 Main takeaways 

  • Add to meals button - users felt that the icon was too small and hard to tell what it was. With the changes to add a yellow button with “add to meals” at the bottom of the screen the hierarchy is restored to priorities the task at hand.

  • Message that helps with onboarding - Users show a little confusion when looking to edit and add to an existing meal plan. I added a message at the top of the meal plan under the date giving guidance on how to add more recipes and edit your existing one.

Key Features

Your meal plan - empty and filled state

In the empty state of the feature the member is able to choose what week this meal plan will be for. Then the member will begin creating the meal plan.

In the filled state the member will be able to view the plan they created, edit the plan, and add to the plan depending on their needs.

Provided a message to help guide member on how to find the edit tool and search tool for the meal plan.

Recipe page

Created a yellow button with the words “Add to meal plan” at the bottom of the screen for two reasons: 1. Easier reach for thumbs 2. Establishing hierarchy on the page.

Date picker - empty and filled state

Created date picker to have a calendar feel for familiarity. With a simple tap on one of the time slots you easily add to your schedule and then submit at the bottom.

Project Results 

The feature is currently in development and is expected to be added to the application in it next update.


User Research

  • Look more qualitative and quantitative research to see what else we can uncover.

More Testing

  • Continue testing and improving the experience specifically look at how to add recipes from the search page.

Big Opportunities

  • The chance to partner with small business owners and help them set up a way to sell their meal plans from their profile at a cost of a subscription fee.

More by Kevin Lashley

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