Älvsbyhus Website

Hello, Dribbblers 👋 🏀

Here we present a compressed part of a larger project. Hope it can inspire you.

Read more about the project here 👓

About the project 

A house purchase is the biggest financial decision many people do in their life, often taking a lot of time and thought. Together with Älvsbyhus, we set out to make the experience simpler. The key points of the project were to;

  • Modernize and streamline the brand

  • Generate more (strong) leads

  • Simplify browsing and finding the right house model for you

  • A seamless user journey from idea to contact

  • A consistent experience


  • Rarely returning visitors due to the nature of the product

  • Many users leave within seconds

  • Incoherent brand

Our role

  • Design

  • Technical implementation

  • Strategy

  • Support

Solution/platform 🖥️

  • Optimizely CMS

  • Tailwind

  • Blazor

Care to collaborate with us? 🙏

Talk with us at: info@tedgustaf.com | Instagram: @tedgustaf

Web agency specialized in websites and applications.
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