Outdoor interactive Kiosk | Maksimir Park

About the Park:

Maksimir Park is the oldest public park in the City of Zagreb, Croatia. Opened in 1794, it was the first large public park in South-Eastern Europe. It forms part of the city's cultural heritage and is a habitat for various plant and animal species. The park has several big meadows, numerous creeks, and five lakes.

About the Project:

City Windows in Nature - improvement of urban biodiversity and development of green infrastructure (Modernization II) co-financed by the European Union from the European Fund for Regional Development as part of the program Promoting sustainable development of natural heritage.

My Responsibility:

Based on the user interviews of Maksimir Park visitors of all ages (with more than 200 completed questionnaires), the cultural and natural harritage, and the new services that will be offered in the park, I was in charge of the UX sitemap of the multimedia Kiosk, prioritizing features, and creating low and high fidelity prototypes. It's really nice to see the final product that unifies aesthetics, functionality and usability, giving visitors insight into the offer and values of the more than 225-year-old park as well as nature conservation.


It's important to emphasize that the kiosk is easy to use for children and individuals with disabilities that require wheelchairs. All clickable elements are below the main headings, concentrated in/around the middle of the large 55 inch vertical touchscreen, which makes them accessible and easy to find.

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