Status - Call Friends/Family - Mobile App: iOS Android UI
Status - A mobile app for keeping in touch with friends and family at a time convenient to everyone.
The idea for Status came about when I was frustrated by the fact that I had a number of friends and family that I didn't catch up with regularly due to both parties struggling to find a convenient time. We'd constantly go back and forth trying to find a time to catch up over the phone or in person, and I kept thinking... surely there's a more convenient way?
Well, I thought so. To solve this problem I came up with Status, an app where you add your friends/family from your existing contacts lists, and then manually update your availability status. This would allow you and others to see who is available to talk, encouraging spontaneous and convenient catch-ups.
I started building the app in React Native, but sadly the project dropped due to other priorities. I might get back to it one day.