Education Management System

Hi Dribblers 👋

I'm designing a web application based on an education management system. Here, all students will be managed and operated on in an easier way. This screen shows the student view. There is a complete solution from the student's perspective. On the homepage, students can know how many classes remain, the total subjects, the number of students, the assignments assigned by teachers, and the number of all teachers.

Moreover, in the right sidebar, they can get the previous class records if anyone misses any class. Also, they can download the subject notes or other materials.

Students can quickly get their schedules of classes and most importantly exam results will be shown here so that they can be aware of their levels all the time.

This is the very first screen of this web application. Hope you'll like it.

Class Schedule

Exam Results

Subject Notes And Class Records

Enter your text heMy Responsibilities • Implementing user experience (UX) • Implementing user interface (UI)

Tools used • Design - Figma

Font used Helvetica Neue


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