Fowler's View Bookkeeping Services

Fowler's View Bookkeeping Services is the first brand I ever designed. Now these are not the original designs, because the originals are objectively bad because I was just starting out. But this is the current branding for Fowler's View today.

How I got FVBS

My mom has always been a bookkeeper. One of her first jobs she started working at American Express Travel Business Service Accounting headquarters and did that for a good while before I was born. Then at only  28 years old she became the controller for a commercial refrigeration company in Dallas, Texas. She did this for a few years full time after I was born, but eventually she left her job to homeschool my sister and I and raise us while my dad worked. She had a few bookkeeping clients here and there over the years that she could work from home. But when I went away to college she decided she was going to pick up more clients. She officially started Fowler's View Bookkeeping Services in 2019 but it took her a year before she was ready to have a website, logo, and just over all a full brand.

Around the time mom was ready to start upgrading her business and create an online presence I was getting really into Canva as I was using it to create presentations for my junior year advertising class at TXST. She knew this and asked if I would be willing to help her research different web hosting platforms and try my hand at creating a website for her. I started off with this first logo based on what she wanted her logo to represent.

The original FVBS logo. And the first logo I ever created. Of course, I used Canva to make this. It's really a composite of different elements from the Canva library, which are an arrow point up, a check mark, and a bird eye. At the time I was really proud of this logo, now I see it and shudder, but then again it's not too terrible for a first try. One great thing about this logo though is that it was the gateway for me getting into brand development and design.

After a few months of practice and learning how to use illustrator I created the logo we use today.

Fowler's View Today

Since the logo redesign I've made several other things for Fowler's View to help my mom's business continue to grow, and later this year we will start advertising her business so she can grow even more. Below are the other branded assets I've made for her.

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