UX - Browse by category

This wireframe/prototype offers the user the possibility to select different tags sorted into different categories. This originally was designed for doctors, to choose amongst 17 medicine categories, but I made it neutral here to showcase the journey and focus on the prototype performance.

This is the best design I came up with, regarding the enormous amount of tags (about 200).

Here are other solutions I started considering, then got rid of because the experience was too painful or just not satisfying enough.

The main problem I faced with the search bar is that the user has no clue what he can or can not type inside. Since he is supposed to reach tags in the database, (sorted by family/category) there was too many possibilities and it would have ended up too messy.

The other possibility was to go the opposite way: show the user each category with every single tag inside, so he can pick whatever he feels like. But the mobile version ended up with an endless list of items...

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