Shape Distortion III
And here's where we've ended up. I added a texture layer that feeds from a pool of random textures images I've culled from various places. Amazing what just a slight bit of non-uniformity can do for the overall result.
I really do want to push this one a touch further and add the possibility for each shape to have its own texture, but I'm running into Processing limitations on that one.
(Technical details: you can map an image to a vertex-based shape, but you can't do it with curveVertex. And unlike HTML, I can't repeat an image as a fill. I figured out a rudimentary way of using createGraphics to build an off-screen buffer, save a shape to it, then use that buffer as an image mask, but I get the feeling that would require a huge amount of memory and utterly kill performance for manipulating the objects. Still, maybe I will push a bit further and see if that's doable.)