— relaunch

hello again,

a bit delay on my side and the relaunch came 3-5 months later as I planned. but now it's done and online and you can take a look here:

I hope you like it. Feedback is every time welcome.

Some insights
- write all the code from zero (wordpress, html, css, jQuery)
- kicked like function. I was not sure if it's right to kick it but hey, it's a collection. The like had no additional value for the users. It was more like a visuell counter for myself.
- mobile first and it was my first project where I do that 100% — was cool
- first time I played a bit with flexbox. Feels a bit new and goes not so fluffy from the hands but it's nice. Some things are so easy with it. Big like!
- picture element is implemented and works fine. No retina support here. I spoke with some people and the resume was that it's not very important here to have retina images. sure, on a retina device it looks more crisp but more to load.
- Some months I start to add more screens to the detail view. I kick in my own ass that I start so late with it. I do that to have a big screenshot archive and see more details from the page when the page is offline afters weeks, months or years. It's cool too.
- Yeah, a coworker at fork teached me that document.ready stuff is not so cool. I write (OK, at this point it was more copy paste style) a plugin that I initialized with data attributes directly in HTML. Not new for you? But for me! It's cool and I go forward to learn more about it to do less copy paste :D
- no hover styles below 768px. I go this way and I'm not sure why. Maybe modernizr was an alternative to detect touch devices but one script less to load. I think it works fine. Words against this? :D
- a target was to bring more native app feeling in this site on a iPhone or something like that. For me it's done :)
- add search everything plugin to get more results when you searching for stuff they was only saved in tags etc.


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