FreshGrinds rebranding - The badge with wings, take 2

After the failed attempt, I went back to the drawing board and mood board.

Starting almost from scratch, but without too strong of a pre-conceived idea of what the badge should/could be like, I came up with this little guy.

The two coffee beans are part of the old logo (see attachment), that we decided to keep to make sure past customers would see a nod to the previous incarnation of the company's visual identity.

I actually had quite some fun with the pathfinder building the shape of this one. I don't remember how many times I had to duplicate each circles to cut the paths at the desired places, but it was fun.

One of the things I want to try now (in hindsight) is to make the bottom two elements of the wings in a separate wing, by leaving a small piece of the outer circle coming back to "close them". This would give the visual cue to read the wings being two different elements. It might make the badge too busy, though.

Simon Hartmann
Designer, blogger, photographer, husband. USA/FR. He/Him.
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