Invite a Member Modal
Hey there, ✌️
I've been working with Pluto for a long time since last year. We went through a bunch of stages such as building a design-concept, preparing for a fund-raising, defining MVP key features and working on the first MVP flows and the design system.
I always wanted to share results of our work and it always wasn't enough time for that. Well, you know how it goes. Finally, I decided to start sharing. And let's start with something small.
Invite a member
In Pluto you have a workspace of your company. And it's obvious you can invite employees to manage their expenses, reimburse, issue new cards etc. So, here is a pop-up which allows you to invite a new member.
Depending on a role type you either need to assign reporters or you don't. E.g. A regular employee is allowed to manage his own expenses only, so this type of the user doesn't have any reporter.