Daedalus - Enter the Labyrinth

Enter the labyrinth

Daedalus is a graphic novel project produced from start to end in two months by a small collective. The goal was to see if a small task force could execute a creative vision using AI technologies.

Read the Graphic Novelhttps://www.daedalus.am/comic

Buy the Merchhttps://merch.daedalus.am/

About two months ago, I showed you guys an idea for a comic I had, and Daedalus was born. The first zine is finally released, and it's a fruit of labor done by a collective of three creative individuals. The comic was done by me (David), with two people helping with writing and some light touch-ups.

I wanted to push myself even further, and animated the entire thing. I'm posting a few animations in this post from it, and the story that I used to write the script from. There are deviations because of struggle with an adaptations, but I believe compromises in the comic are faithful to the original story.

Estafos had been walking for days inside the corridors of this underground facility that they called the "tomb". Quietly tiptoeing around known traps and disarming those that he could find. Something rang in the jacket’s pocket, which scared him as he wasn’t used to that. Taking a second to stand still and make sure that nothing else noticed or reacted to the sound, he took the source of the distress out: a small, pencil-sized cuboid device. HUD display lit up and notified him of something. He didn’t understand anything as the notification was written in an alien language he could not understand but knew one symbol he’d recognized: a console. The console must be in the next room over!

Estafos quickened his pace towards what could be his salvation. If he could just get to that console, maybe he could figure out a way off this godforsaken planet. His people had been searching for centuries for a way off this planet, ever since they crash landed here on this strange, unfamiliar world. He had no idea where he was or how to get home. Or where was home to begin with? All he knew was that he needed to find a way off this planet, and venturing into these dangerous forgotten underground “facilities” was getting him one step closer. Hopefully, this console would be his ticket out.

He rounded a corner and saw the console up ahead, but before he could reach it, a pair of giant claws reached out from the wall and grabbed him by the shoulders. Estafos looked up and saw two gigantic eyes staring at him. It wasn’t human. Not at all. In fact, it didn’t seem to even be alive. The creature seemed made up of some kind of metal, which confused Estafos even more. This thing came out of thin air; there must have been a way to destroy it.


This is just a start

Continue reading over at Daedalus Website: https://www.daedalus.am/comic

Buy the Merchhttps://merch.daedalus.am/

More by David Svezhintsev

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