FreshGrinds rebranding

Well, here's the story of a fun rebranding project that crashed because my client's funding came to a halt.

That's really a bummer, because the client was great to work with, and they believe greatly in their product, which looks, smelled, and tasted fantastic.

I'm going to walk you through what we came up with, as I believe it's a nice branding system, that accomplished their goal to re-invent their brand as high quality, modern, but with a vintage flair that highlights their concern to roast their coffee with a craftsmanship passed through the ages.

You can see the main concepts we worked on after a first go in a completely different direction (Greek mythology-themed route) in the attachment.

As you can see, we were working hard on channeling badges of old. Such a shame. Oh well, it lives on here.

Posted on Mar 12, 2015
Simon Hartmann
Designer, blogger, photographer, husband. USA/FR. He/Him.

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