

Our private discount provider offers exclusive discounts and deals to members of a specific organization. Members can access deals on a variety of products and services, from restaurants and entertainment to fitness and wellness. However, our users were experiencing confusion and frustration when trying to navigate the platform and take advantage of the discounts available to them. We needed to create a user-friendly onboarding process that would introduce users to the platform and its features in a clear and engaging way.


Our challenge was to design an onboarding process that would be easy to follow, provide clear and concise instructions for how to access and use the discounts, and help users understand the value of the platform. Our goal was to create a positive first impression that would encourage users to engage with the platform and start taking advantage of the discounts available.


We began by conducting user research to understand the needs and expectations of our users, as well as the pain points they were experiencing when trying to access and use the discounts. We also interviewed users who had stopped using the platform, to gather feedback on what could be improved to encourage continued engagement.

Based on our research, we identified the following design principles for our new onboarding process:

  1. Clear and concise: The onboarding process should provide clear and concise instructions for how to access and use the discounts, without overwhelming the user with too much information.

  2. User-friendly: The entire onboarding process should be designed with the user in mind, with a simple and intuitive interface that makes it easy to access and use the discounts.

  3. Engaging: The onboarding process should be engaging and visually appealing, using graphics and animations to help users understand the value of the platform.

With these design principles in mind, we created an onboarding slideshow that guided users through the process of accessing and using the discounts available on the platform. The slideshow was broken down into several sections, each of which provided clear and concise instructions for a specific aspect of the platform, such as what kinds of savings were available to the closed user group. We also used engaging graphics to help users understand the value of the platform and the discounts available to them.


By applying user-centered design principles and collaborating closely with our users, we were able to create a more streamlined and user-friendly onboarding process for our private discount provider. Our experience highlights the importance of understanding user needs and incorporating them into the design process, as well as the potential impact that even small design changes can have on user engagement and business revenue.

More by Olivia Vaughan

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