Select Accounts in Buffer App

Ahoy guys,
yeah my first dribbble shot! :)

I love Buffer and I love it also to use the iOS App.

Initial situation:
I want to share a Post via Buffer. For that I choose the profile from which I want to publish the post and start to write.

The Problem:
If I want to post this on my other profiles, e.g. Facebook or another Twitter account, I need to copy the post, change to a different profile and paste the text again. This is very awkward. It is not possible to publish the post I created with multiple profiles now.

The Solution:
The most user-friendly the solution is, to tape on my selected profile and see all of my profiles. Now you can simply select the profiles you want to publish this post.

This are my first steps on Origami framework. It is very easy and makes a lot of fun to build animations and prototypes with this tool.

If you like you can download and use the Origami file for your projects.

Let me know what you think about this shot and follow me on twitter.


PS: Thank you very much for the invite @DerZyklop :)

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