Healthcare App

Oh dear! Almost a year since my last update!
This last 12 months had so many changes in my life... More than I could imagine... Short story: I changed jobs twice, I've moved three times between three different cities, I switched from windows to mac, and I just found out I'm gonna become a father for first time!! :D

Well... Beyond all that, I've had time and luck to push some pixels with great people and awesome projects... Hopefully now I will have more time to upload some shots.

This is one of the first projects I did in my new job. Is about a Health Care web app where the doctors can leave notes to their colleagues about the patients and to make an online tracking of the cases... Is loaded with a ton of features so I'll try to upload more screens soon.

P.S: Don't forget to check out the attachment for a real size and retina view ;)

More by Eduardo Quintero

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