Employer Partner - Final Logo

Full Brand Identity Preview

Final and chosen idea, along with the arrow pattern we've done for

Employer Partner - an organization that offers a platform for measuring the impact of excelling HR practices on organizational success and a solution to building an organizational culture that attracts and retains top talent.

This idea was based on hexagon inside of hexagon, resembling connection between Employer Partner and certified company, along with the moving lines to convey motion forward and success.

Feel free to reach out anytime for a free brand consultation:

✉️ hello@insigniada.com

WhatsApp/Viber: +385995702744

Skype: Insigniada

Certificate Badges

Certificate Design

The idea we had for a certificate design, which is awarded to organizations that thrive in human resources.


Digital Ads

Office Space Interiors

You would like to make a great impact on the world? And in need of a branding partner?

Feel free to reach out anytime for a free brand consultation:

✉️ hello@insigniada.com

WhatsApp/Viber: +385995702744

Skype: Insigniada

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