30Movies - One movie per night - Digital Product Design

What's the problem?

Too many movies in every streaming service.

You scroll around thousands of movies for hours: "I can choose this one, maybe this one, nah I don't know".

You will ended up by choosing something you saw twelve times in the last couple of months.

The solution

30 fresh movies every 30 days.

30Movies will have a limited catalog with just thirty movies.

At the end of the 30 days the catalog will completely change with 30 brand new movies.

User flow

Everything is smooth and linear.

The user has to login first. He can't see the catalog without being logged.

When the user logged in, he can see the catalog. But he can't watch movies until he subscribes to a paid plan.


Made some wireframes to understand how and where put the information.

I wanted the login/signup to be super easy.

I personally don't like when other apps ask you: "Do you have an account or do you have to sing up?"

The answer that always come in my mind is: "YOU KNOW"

When I type my email you know if you have it in your db. I know that you know.

With this in mind 30Movies asks just for the email.

If it matches with something on the db, it will ask the password (LOGIN), otherwise it will ask to insert the information of the user (SIGN UP).


I choose black as background of the entire app.

I think there is a reason if Netflix, Disney+, Prime Video, have chosen black as background too.

Black is the color of the theater. It reminds the first and the last frame of a movie.

I think black is the color of the cinema.

As secondary color I chose a gradient.

I'm a great fan of the contrast, and I think that black with this gradient is a great combination.

8-points rhythm

All of the visuals follow the rule of 8.

Every spacing, margin, padding of each piece of the visuals is a eight-multiply.

It gives armomy, rhythm and love for the eyes.

Conclusions / Insights for the future

Is this an utopistic idea? Maybe.

It would work if at least half of the 30 movies are top movies.

Top movies costs a lot and the price of the service can't be high, otherwise people would choose other streaming service.

It would be interesting to find out how much does it cost to have a license of a movie. Could be the homeworks.

Thanks for reading and seeing this raw idea.

Feel free to leave a feedback!

Ciao Ciao

More by Andrea Righetto

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