Business Tips Daily (Android APP)
What if we mix an actual programming code and mobile app design? This application is the answer. This is a real android application, and can be found on PlayStore following this link. Our other apps can be found on this GooglePlay, as well as this GooglePlay.
This is an educational app designed to share quotes and thoughts from famous and successful people.
This app is focused on 2 main user demographics: 25 - 34 and 35 - 44 with third being 18 - 24 following closely. It is created for users interested in business and being entrepreneurs.
Main page has a background image, specific font and color for quotes which can be modified. Users can modify theme of the app, customizing the experience to his/her liking. List of themes can be found on Theme Page.
With every quote users see, there is an option to save the quote to Favorites page, as well as to share quote in 3 ways:
1) Share Text
2) Share Image
3) Save Image (to phone).
Favorites page has simple background color structure letting users concentrate and think while scrolling list of favorite quotes.
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