Investment Interface
This project allows clients to see an overall view of their investment account, view performance, amend policies, speak directly to their financial adviser, and also contains an "industry first" partnership with TopCashback that allows clients to automatically invest cashback received online directly into an investment of their choice.
In it's first 5 days from launch, there were 33,066 logins from 30,188 clients, the month totalled at 468,313 logins.
The process
I started with user research (above example Persona), as we found out the clients who would be using this system vary from young investors, investors reaching retirement age, and those already in retirement (drawdown).
Below is an example of the process I undertook with just one feature in this project, a Personal Finance tool (Spending), starting from user / market research, process flows, sketching, low fidelity mockups then final designs and UAT testing.