Aquarium Service Pro

1. Low Fidelity Mockups + Workflows

The first step to an app design, is to plan what the app needs to do. Its a rather ugly step! But it is quite necessary to make sure that the flow and purpose is clear/approved, before the design is started.

Low Fidelity Mockups

2. Brand Guidelines

With the flow out of the way, the next step is to decide the feeling the app will need to give off. This will trickle down to the app itself, their website, and all marketing materials.

Brand Guidelines

3. App Design

With the workflows and brand guidelines in place, the next step is a combination of the two. The users journey is clear, the functions are clear, and the way it need to look is clear. With my development, design, sales, marketing, and user experience background I aim to design things that are:

1. Developer friendly

2. User Experience Driven

3. Sellable

4. Functional Requirement Specification (FRS)

An FRS describes what the application must do. All requirements are outlined, the technology stack is chosen, the team who is going to be working on the development is established and a timeline is finalized.

A recipe for success!

The current build is in progress, scheduled to release a v1 in 2023. 

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More by Bryan Soto

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