umurage - cultural accommodation - rwanda
In this logo I drew inspiration from Rwanda's flag, using similar colors and assets. In the flag, you will note a gold star placed over sky blue, followed by a stripe of gold and then green. This logo brings similar colors together with the green and gold reversed so that the green can represent a subtle background mountain shape. The 'star' in the 'sky' moves to the left hand side of the design and becomes a sun looking down on a simple and inviting house. The house (in a medium red tone with a hint of orange) is designed to be inviting in both color and shape, with crisp edges representing order and cleanliness, as well as a fun curve on the roof line that is both in harmony with the overall shape of the logo and brings in an aspect of fun/playfulness, preventing the 'tidy' or 'clean' aspects of the logo from feeling rigid. The colors used in the text and logo harmonize nicely and are a nod to the colorful and fun aspects of Rwandan culture as well as the current flag.