YODA - Analytics Dashboard

Hi People 🙅🏻‍♂️,

There is a long-term research process behind our admin template dashboards and applications we built on YODA Design System.  The persona group that we talked about during YODA's Landing page project helped us a lot on this side as well.  

Our Problem & Solution:

There were many similar products in the market and we had to stand out from them.  So “Why not design for small-scoped project owners?”  we said 😉

First of all, our starting point was creating a design approach that has a minimal appearance and is far from those complex dashboards.  We had to design something that we needed to speed up the projects without tiring the purchasing users too much.  That's what happened 😏

In the data provided to us by Hotjar and Envato, we saw that:

Users liked the product more than previous versions, and we achieved a 140% increase in new customer acquisition conversion rate 📈

When we analyzed the latest test results at the end of a month, we saw that the conversion of mobile device users to our new interface solution was much higher and we achieved an improvement of about 40%.

Finally, the test results at the end of a month, we observed that the user start to stay 130% more sessions per day.

Stay tuned, YODA has more to show⚡️.

We would be very happy if you share your comments with us💭.

Take care people!

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